Source: Final Thoughts

Published by:

John O'Loughlin

Born in Salthill, Galway City, Co. Galway, the Republic of Ireland in 1952 but raised, from a relatively young age, in both Hampshire and Surrey in south-east England and subsequently resident in London since 1974, John O'Loughlin is an Irish citizen who also happens to be a writer and self-taught philosopher who publishers his work in eBook formats on the internet, including with (ePUB), Google Play Books (PDF), and all Amazon outlets (Kindle), as well as through his own company, Centretruths Digital Media, with the Centretruths eBook Catalogue (PDF & ePUB), and many other platforms. Latterly his works are also available in paperback at various Amazon sites, as well as at Barnes and and a wide variety of other sellers in several countries. John O'Loughlin especially prides himself on his philosophy, by far the main part of his literary oeuvre, which he considers to be second-to-none in the scope and range of its logical structures, which complement a radically transcendental ideological standpoint identified by him with Social Theocracy, as defined in various of his mature and/or late-period writings.

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